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is located in the historic Jute depot along the dock of wharf 18 in the port of Naples, inside the Waterfront monumental area a few metres from Piazza Municipio, from Molo Beverello and the old town centre. The relic is architecturally and historically of interest , subject to the restriction of BB. AA. Superintendence, and has been and has been object of a complex recovery and conservation intervention with change of intended use from Customs Warehouse to Maritime station for the management of services related to the port and maritime traffic.

In particular, at the docks of Calata Porta Massa overlooking the Maritime Station moor the ferry-boats that carry out the daily crossings for the Islands of the Gulf of Naples made by the ship owners Caremar and Medmar from/to Ischia, Capri and Procida. Moreover, the scheduled boats of Tirrenia-Compagnia Italiana di Navigazione, Siremar and Grimaldi Lines work at the contiguous ferry-boat Terminal RO-RO.

Inside, the are the ticket offices of Tirrenia-Siremar-Grimaldi Lines-Caremar-Medmar, a Bar and a fast-food service, tobacco and tax stamps shop, the betting shop, a branch of BANCA di CREDITO POPOLARE with the relative ATM and continuous cash; Parapharmacy; car rental; Travel and Tourism Agency; baggage storage service.

The waiting rooms are provided with electronic notice boards with destinations and departure timetable of the boats, digital audio broadcasting and free-Wi-fi, PMR restrooms, 24 hours Steward Service with activities of prevention and assistance. At the Maritime Station Porta Massa you will also found services offered by “Viva Viaggi” Travel Agency where it is possible to buy vacation packages in Italy and abroad, airplane- train and boat tickets, and book tickets for day trip and excursions (with private driver too), museums and Campania Art Cards.

There are also Lounge Room available only with booking for business travellers or for family units that because of their arrival well in advance, want to relax inside a salon with private services.

Upstairs, there is a sea view Conference Room with 70 seats and prestigious central Offices of medium or big surface area.

The History

“From jute sacks to the new passenger Terminal in Vanvitellian style: Mattino di Napoli 6/12/2003. From old storage of jute sacks for coffee at modern Maritime Station. One of the storages of Marittima Meridionale Company changes skin: a new building that will host the ferry boat passengers to the smaller Islands and will fill a gap perceived for a long time. The “Jute” storage, used for goods, will be entirely transformed. Inside there will be two waiting rooms, ticket offices, baggage storage, restrooms, structures for the disabled, bar. It was a necessary choice – states the President of port Authority, Mr. Francesco Nerli,- above all if you consider that about a million people pass through there to board on the ferry-boats. In this moment our effort is tto devote ourselves to the service quality and to adapt the supply/to the quality of the demand that is always increasing and more and more demanding..”

Let’s lead off the Service Center for coastal navigation: Maritime Advisor – Naples, 30/10/04. Beyond the extension of moorings of Immacolatella Vecchia that , a new facilty will be ready for the passenger services starting from the next summer. It is a coastal navigation Service Center”, a work next to the Terminal piers that will realize a real Maritime Station dedicated to it… The fulfillment of Maritime Station is a completely private investment of Marittima Meridionale Srl Company, concessionaire inside the port from more than 50 years, that will involve a total investment of almost 3 million Euros. “It is on the whole of works and buildings – confirms Improta – of great importance to develop the highways of Sea”.

The Maritime Station of Calata Porta Massa is placed inside the “Jute” depot, a construction of historical – architectural interest subject to the restriction of BB. AA. Superintendence, buildt in 1913 along the dock of wharf 18 in the port of Naples,with the inital function of warehouse for textile fibers like jute (it takes its name from this), sisal, cotton and then with the function of Coffee Customs Storage (free Storage), until the advent of goods traffic with containers that made obsolete these structures, planned for randomly goods warehousing.

It was a complex and well-structured project, that has involved an overall internal surface of 7.000 mq, for investment value around € 6.400.000,00. Works started in 2003 and the first lot was finished in September 2007, when the launch of Maritime Station was inaugurated in the presence of President of the republic Giorgio Napolitano with the setting of a memorial plaque for which Improta Family felt very honoured: ” A goods storage becomes a structure to service the passengers, with the same stones of one century ago, model of architectural recovery that links innovation and tradition.

In the presence of President of the republic Giorgio Napolitano.

Port of Naples, September 21st 2007″