
Cookies are files of small size that are sent to the browser and saved on a device when you consult a website; they are moved on your device in order to guarantee an efficient operation of the website for statistical or advertising purposes;


Cookies are divided in technical cookies and profiling ones:


The technical cookies are those strictly necessary for the website operation and surfing and they cannot be accepted because they register session information directly on the Marittima Meridionale S.r.l. Company server with the exclusive purpose to identify the user connected on the basis of data provided by it  and guarantee the functioning of the offered services.


The profiling cookies are used to create profiles related to the User and they are used in order to send advertising messages in line with the personal settings  displayed by the same in the web surfing. The treatment contemplates an automated decision making process, including profiling.


Marittima Meridionale S.r.l. Company is not editor of any profiling cookie and, therefore, acquire consent  and provide notice only for cookies installed by third parties, integrating potential updated links to notices and to Third Party Authorisation Forms with which the editor has stipulated agreements for the installation of cookies through his/her website.


The cookies installed by means of the website supply several utilities, among which:


– Identify youself when you log in our websites and keep trace of your personal settings;

– Prevent fraudulent activities;

– Improve the Security.


Marittima Meridionale S.r.l. Company undertakes to keep secrecy of reserved information and not to divulge to third parties data collected through technical cookies, without being subject to written authorisation, except for what follows and precedes.

Both parties agree that none of them can transmit the personal collected data and divulge them to third parties but for in relation to needs derived from the stipulated agreements, and from the resulting fulfillments of legal and contractual obligations deriving from them, and also to obtain an efficient management of commercial relationships.


We do not transfer personal data to advertisers or to third party websites that publish ads based on interests.

However, advertisers or third parties (including advertising nets, ad-serving companies and other service suppliers that they will be able to use) may suppose that the users interact with or click on adverts or on personalized content, can be interested in them.

Moreover, some third parties can provide us information about you (like demographic information or websites where you found some ads)derived from offline and online sources, that we can use to offer you useful and relevant advertisements.

The third advertisers, or the advertising companies that work on behalf of them, take advantage of the technology to display ads that appear in our websites directly on your browser.

When this occurs, they automatically receive your IP address. They can also use cookies, Javascript, web beacon (also known as action tag or single-pixel.gif), and other technologies to weigh the efficacy of their ads or to customize their advertising content.


We do not have access or control cookies or other functions used by advertisers or third websites, and their custom is not regulated by our Privacy Policy or by this page about Cookies.

We kindly ask you to read carefully their Privacy Policy to which you will be sent through to specific links if necessary displayed as follows.

Data and content of magnetic records will be debated in written form and/or on magnetic, electronic or telematic register.

These previsions can be subjected to change or variation in relation to modifications applied on italian and EU laws.

To disable the cookies and forbid to Google Analytics to collect data on your web surfing, you can download the additional component of the browser in order to deactivate Google Analytics:

The same procedure works for Google Adense as well, used inside the portal, through I?option? disable personalized ads?.


Browsing the site with a browser set to accept cookies, or using devices, mobile applications or others similar software, you allow the use of exemplified cookies and other technologies necessary to display them, as described in this notice. By accepting these Privacy Conditions, you accept in accordance with and as a result of the Cookie Italian Law, that are the proceedings of the Privacy Information Commissioner for “Identification of simplified procedures for notice and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies – May 8, 2014”, published in the Italian Official Gazette no. 126 of June 3rd, 2014, that these files are installed and you have agreed to their use for the purposes above mentioned, aware of your possibility to deny such authorisation.


How can I disable cookies and manage my preferences?


Most browsers and devices are configured to accept, control or possibly disable cookies through the settings. However, we remind you that disabling navigation cookies or functional ones may cause the malfunction of the website and / or restrict the service we offer. Below there is the path to follow to manage cookies from the following browser:


Internet Explorer

Run the Internet Explorer Browser

Click on the Tools and choose Internet Options

Click on the Privacy tab and in the Settings section please change the slider according to the required action for cookies:

Block all cookies

Allow all cookies

Selection of websites from which you want to obtain cookies: move the cursor in an intermediate position so as not to lock or allow all cookies, then click on websites, in the Website Address box enter a website and then press on Block or Allow

For more information, visit the page


Run the Safari Browser

Click on Safari, select preferences and then on Privacy

In the section “Block Cookies”, specify how Safari should accept cookies from websites.

To see which websites have stored up cookies, click on Details

For more information, please visit the page




Run Chrome Browser

Click on the menu in the toolbar of the browser next to the url entry window for surfing

Select Settings

Click on Show Advanced Settings

In the “Privacy” section click on “Content settings”

In the “Cookies” section you can change the following cookie settings:

Allow data to be locally  saved

Change local data only until the browserm closing

Prevent websites from setting up cookies

Block third-party cookies and data of websites

Manage exceptions for some websites

Deleting one or all cookies

For more information, visit the page

Mozilla Firefox

Run the Mozilla Firefox Browser

Click on the menu in the toolbar of the browser next to the url entry window for surfing

Select Options

Select the Privacy panel

Click on “Show Advanced Settings”

In the “Privacy” section click on the button “Content settings”

In the “Tracking” section you can edit the following cookie settings:

Demand to websites not to do any tracing

Transmit to websites the availability to be traced

Do not communicate any tracing preference of personal data

From the “History” section you can:

Enabling “Use custom settings” select to accept third-party cookies (always, from the most or never clicked websites) and to keep them for a specific period (until their expiry, when you close Firefox or ask them every time

Remove individual stored cookies

For more information, visit the page


Run the Opera Browser

Click on Preferences then on Advanced ones and finally on Cookies

Select one of the following options:

Accept all cookies Accept cookies only from the website you visit: third parties cookies and that are sent by a domain other than the one you are consulting will be rejected

Never accept cookies: all cookies will be never saved

Without prejudice to the foregoing, the Data Controller informs that the User can make use of Your Online Choices. Through this service You can manage the tracing preferences of most advertising tools. The Owner, therefore, suggests Users to use this resource in addition to the information provided herein document. For more information about cookies and to manage your preferences on third-party profiling cookies, we invite you to visit

This page is visible, through link, at the bottom of all the pages of the Website and / or of possible App according with art. 122 second paragraph of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and following the simplified procedures for the notice and acquisition of consent for the use of cookies published in the Official Gazette no. 126 of June 3rd, 2014 and related register of Measures No 229 of May 8th, 2014.