Integrated policy

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 – UNI EN ISO 14001:2015

The Compagnia Marittima Meridionale SrL has implemented an integrated system compliant with UNI EN ISO 9001:2015, UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 standards. This action is mainly aimed at:

    • Improve internal efficiency
    • Achieve complete customer satisfaction
    • Minimize the risks of technical and commercial failures
    • Offer an image of high technological and qualitative profile
    • Continuously improve the effectiveness of the Integrated System
    • Prevent accidents and occupational diseases, as well as improve the environmental impact relating to the tools/machinery/equipment used to provide the above services in its processes
    • Create and maintain an internal environment that fully involves staff in pursuing quality, safety and environmental objectives
    • Ensuring safety in the workplace (covid19)
    • Respect environmental regulations and improve environmental impact.


    Furthermore, the Management ensures and makes available the means to ensure:

    Carrying out an initial analysis, to acquire the appropriate and necessary Safety, Qualitative, Environmental and Quantitative data and parameters necessary to set the integrated management system and the related objectives.
    The commitment to preventing accidents and illnesses in the work environment, together with continuous improvement in the management of these problems. The commitment to maintain management that is always attentive in fulfilling legal requirements aimed at avoiding risks related to the service performed. Due information of employees on their individual obligations to maintain safety in the workplace.
    The evaluation of factors relating to Safety, Quality and the Environment in decision-making choices at a strategic level.
    Planning and control of business processes.
    The constant adaptation of the system (and therefore the updating of the Manual and related documentation) to the changing needs of the company and the reference market.
    The constant involvement of staff in identifying and resolving problems related to the integrated management system.
    The promotion of preventive actions necessary to anticipate the occurrence of deviations (safety, qualitative and environmental) from the standards of this service, system and mandatory regulations.
    Maintaining an adequate level of education and training of the personnel involved.
    Maintaining an adequate level of communication with the outside, including through official declarations and the drafting of specific balance sheets (energy, environmental impact, etc.).
    The involvement of its suppliers in the implementation of a complete and effective integrated management system.
    The systematic monitoring of customer satisfaction.
    The pursuit of continuous and constant improvement of products, processes, services and working conditions.
    The commitment to comply with rules, laws and regulations relating to the protection of the environment and any other obligations that the Company has decided to undertake in favor of the environment.

    The commitment that the declaration of the Quality, Environment and Safety policy is a clear, exhaustive document and available to the public through publication on the institutional website The commitment to training and continuous updating of the reference functions involved in the process; to the production and management of files (which in some cases are called “information containers” and their nomenclature also oriented towards interoperability on open schemes; to the interaction between all phases: strategy (feasibility), design, operation (management, maintenance, recovery, divestment); to promote the development of activities along the supply chain for an integrated and shared process.
    The Management, in the figure of the CEO, develops and keeps alive the Service Charter, which represents the Company’s commitment towards Customers for the provision of a service whose quality respects the defined standards.

    These objectives must be pursued and must constitute a firm and mandatory commitment of all the components of CMM Srl, starting from the company management: Quality, environmental impact and safety in places cannot be delegated to specialists and cannot be considered as an additional attribute of the work or service performed. For this purpose, the function of Integrated Management System Manager (RSGI) was established in order to coordinate the actions necessary for the development of the Integrated System, verify the effectiveness and correct implementation of the System, propose improvement actions and provide support for their implementation.
