Main risks


1. Fall into the sea;
2. Fall on the surface;
3. Collision against moving vehicles;
4. Impact with fixed structures/barriers;
5. Exhaust fumes inhalation of cars that are in line for the ferry-boats;
6. Collision with mooring or taut ropes during the rigging and/or stop of the boat or after their break.


Observe laws and instructions related to Health and Security;
Respect the vertical and horizontal signage tha are in the external areas;
Observe the general reccommendations provided inside the Maritime Station; Do not light fire;
Do not throw away garbage and other materials, dropping off them in specific separated containers;
Comply with no smoke instructions provided in the public open space.


Vehicles in transit or parked inside licensed areas must respect the vertical and horizontal signage.
In particular:
• It is forbidden the transit on the border of the docks or near the moorings.
• It is forbidden the transit under hanging loads and close to professional machines;
• It is forbidden the stop or parking out of the reserved areas;
• It is forbidden the circulation inside the pedestrian zone;

Maximum traffic circulation speed: 30 km/h for cars, 20 km/h per other vehicles;


Pedestrians can circulate inside the areas esclusively managed within boundaries of the recommended paths;
In particular:
• It is forbidden the transit on the border of the docks or near the moorings.
• It is forbidden the transit under hanging loads and close to professional machines;
• It is forbidden to cross the roads out of thhe pedestrian zones;
• It is forbidden to enter and/or go out from the areas through vehicle accessible and operative openings;


The emergency situations that have been identified are the following ones:
• Internal fire at the Terminal;
• Fire of the boat at the di nave at the approaching;
• Gas leak;
• Earthquake;
• Unfavorable meteorological events;
Inside the building there are affixed the plans with information about the escape paths and the position of emergency and fire resistant devices (systems for fire detection, of fire extinguishers, hydrants, First Aid kits and safety lighting systems;
The exodus itineraries, external meeting points, the exit and safety staircases are according to the law and are underlined in the exposed planimetries.


The entry to the boarding areas is exclusively allowed to:
The passengers that have the boarding ticket for departing boats or to operators or authorized professional workers.
The persons that access to the boarding areas must be undergone to controls of the employees in charge showing travel documents or identification card.
The entry and/or the exit from the passenger terminal is guaranteed every day of the year from 05.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m., through the assigned Operative Openings.


The Staff dedicated to the management of aspects of the Security that controls the Operative Openings can allow the access to the Terminal only to the authorized staff.
In particular the access will be allowed to: -Members of the crew that have the badge for the boat;
-Employees of shipping companies, general maritime partner agencies, maritime enterprises provided with badge and/or preventive authorization of Marittima Meridionale Srl Company and/or Of the Terminal Traghetti Napoli Srl Company -Employees of Marittima Meridionale Srl Company. -Members of Port Captaincy, Police, Finance Police, Customs.
-Carabinieri, Army and all Police Law Enforcement; -Emolyees of MTC port system Authority, Maritime Healthcare, ASL, UOPSAL;
-Staff of Firefighters and Santa Barbara; -Suppliers in possession of access authorization; -Third persons authorized by TERMINAL TRAGHETTI NAPOLI Srl Company;


There are expected pit stop/parking near the entries of Maritime Station, next to the boarding/disembarkation piers.


Areas licensed to Marittima Meridionale SrL Company are controlled by a video surveillance system with closed – circuit video camera always operative, complying with the law in force about people’s privacy (D.Lgs. 196/2003 e 679/2016 cd. GDPR).


Besides what is provided by penal law in force in relation to weapons, is forbidden to introduce in the security area any type of knives or sharp blades, bows, crossbows, sport fishing rifles, hatchets, scissors, awls, sport equipment for martial arts, as well as each other tool used as improper weapon.
The transport of fishing rifles and sport equipment in general, is allowed if they are inside bags/specific containers, stowed in the compartment for loading of vehicles ready to be boarded on the ferry-boats.


In compliance with (UE) Regulation N. 1177/2010 of November 24th, 2010, the access to Maritime Station is free architectural /mobilty barriers.
The concessionaire pays always specific attention to the needs of reduced – mobility passengers that use the boats in transit at Calata Porta Massa.
The Stewards in charge are available at the boarding to take cautiously care of persons with disability or reduced mobility.
The building is provided at the ground floor with restrooms reserved to PMR passengers.
Reserved parking spaces for temporary parking are available at the entrance to the Maritime Station.


During high season period, near the Maritime Station, it has been activated by the MTC Port System Authority a moving service of healthcare first aid.
In case of need, the Stewars are immediately available to call 118 service of immediate response.


Inside the Maritime Station, there is a baggage storage service for a fee.